I often move around as if I were an alien stepping out of a spaceship, experiencing
everything as if it were entirely new. I fully immerse myself in this new world, absorbing it interperonal relaitionships. In doing so, I become a part of this entire universe, feeling
drawn to it and consistently deeply moved. That’s what interests me in painting, and it’s what I aim to convey as authentically as possible in my artworks.
I capture everything that seems essential to me in this universe in sketchbooks. From there, my two-part diary paintings emerge, telling stories from a radically subjectiveStandpoint - recounting highly personal and intimate experiences, and formulating a kind of visual again dive into the atmosphere of anonymous places and recall the dialogues that have remained imprinted in my memory.
It revolves around being together or even in
opposition, exploring pleasure, desire, longing, eroticism, sexuality, transience, and death -
essentially, love.
© J. L. Mendoza
[ R ] Evolution
June 23 – December 29, 2024
Curator team: Sylvia T. Verwick, Wolfgang Faller, Frédéric Letellier
Opening: Tuesday, 9. July 2024, 6 – 10 p.m
July 10 – September 9, 2024
curated by Uwe Jonas
Born in Leipzig in 1966, the son of Greek immigrants.
Moved to West Berlin in 1979. Lives and works in Berlin.
1990-1993 Preliminary studies with Prof. Nicole Naskow and Andrzej Woron
1993-2000 Studied painting at the Berlin-Weißensee Academy of Art,
Prof. Werner Liebmann
1993-2000 Studied painting at the Berlin-Weißensee Academy of Art,
Prof. Werner Liebmann
1998 Study visit to Crete
1999 Diploma
2001 Master student with Prof. Werner Liebmann
2024 Umweltgestaltung, Project Porträt at the Kant-Oberschule, Berlin
2024 [ R ] Evolution, Markgräfler Museum, Müllheim
2024 Alles VI, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
2024 0pen Studios, Naumannpark am Südkreuz, Berlin (E)
2024 Umweltgestaltung, Project Porträt at the Kant-Oberschule, Berlin
2023 Berliner Tagebuch, Projektraum in TuD, Berlin (S)
2023 Alles V, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
2022 Alles IV, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
2022 Anonyme Zeichner, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin
2022 Künstler/innen für Künstler/innen, Kunstverein Neukölln, Berlin (C)
2022 Künstlerfreundschaften - Part 2, ae Galerie, Potsdam
2022 Pink Panik, Kunstverein Neukölln, Berlin
2022 Collapse, Umspannwerk, Berlin
2019 Chaos-Ordnung-System, ae Galerie, Potsdam
2018 Anonyme Zeichner, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin
2018 Neue Echtheit, 48h Neukölln, Berlin
2018 Sommersprossen, ae Galerie, Potsdam
(with Christos Bouronikos and Melina Papageorgiou)
2017 Transformart Festival, Rathenauhallen, Berlin
2016 Unterströmung, Project room Bänsch 20, Berlin
2016 Thermik, Kunsthalle M3, Berlin
2016 Transformart 2016 - Das Archimedische Prinzip, Rathenauhallen, Berlin
2015-2016 Painting for the research project Das BiestA, TuD, Berlin
2015 Aufzug zur Chirurgie, Spreehöfe, Berlin
2014 Xs (unknown quantities), Galerie R31, Berlin
2014 Transit 2014, Open Studios, Berlin
2013 Wall Expo, Berlinutte Art Space, Berlin
2013 Transit 2013, Open Studios, Berlin
2013 Macht Kunst II, Deutsche Bank KunstHalle in the Alten Münze, Berlin
2012 Transit 2012, Open Studios, Berlin
2012 Tagebuchgemälde, 48h Neukölln, Berlin (S)
2011 Transit 2011, Open Studios, Berlin
2010 Toilettentrilogie, Project Porträt at the Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin
2009 DIN A6, Kunstraum t27, Berlin
2009 Transit 2009, Open Studios, Berlin
2009 Kunstnachten, Coaching Culture Gallery, Berlin
2009 02. Kunstmesse Art Tower, Alte Kindl-Brauerei Neukölln, Berlin
2009 01. Biennale #09, Kunstverein Klein-Zetelvitz, Deutschland (C)
2009 summer special, Kunstraum t27 with Kurt Krömer, Berlin
2009 Fliesentreff, 48h Neukölln, Berlin (S)
2008 Toilettentrilogie, Project Porträt at the Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin
2008 konträr, Project from Ziegert for Art, Berlin
2008 Transit 2008, Open Studios, Berlin
2008 Nordart, Büdelsdorf (C)
2007 Kontakt #1, toiletten 27, Berlin (with Soichiro Mitsuja and Peter Müller)
2007 Ex Voto - Heimlichkeit und Offenbarung, Galerie R31, Berlin
2007 Transit 2007, Open Studios, Berlin
2007 Best of stil und bruch, Galerie stil und bruch, Berlin
2005 Ich mache alles was du willst. Galerie R31, Berlin (S)
2005 18x24, 18m Galerie für Zahlenwerte im Museum der unerhörten Dinge, Berlin
2004 Zeichnung, 18 artists as guests, Schwules Museum, Berlin
2003 Porträts, Galerie La Girafe, Berlin
2002 Polysphere, Galerie stil und bruch, Berlin (S)
2002 Zeichnung – Kunsthalt, Project Space, Stralholz, Switzerland
2001 Giganten, Kunstraum graphé, Kulturamt Mitte, Berlin (S)
2001 Lohans auf der Pilgerfahrt zum Buddha - Wall painting, Shaolin Tempel Deutschland, Berlin
2001 Ausstellung der Meisterschüler/innen, KHB Weißensee, Berlin
2001 Mengerzeile e.V., Galerie im Rathaus Treptow, Berlin
2001 Lagos, Projekt der Galerie Expo 3000 in Hellersdorf, Berlin
2000 Fenster nach Innen, Galerie art2, Berlin (with Thomas Hacker) (S)
1999 Das Abbild und sein Bild, Diploma Exhibition, KHB Weißensee, Berlin
Margräfler Museum, Müllheim, Deutschland
Art teacher at the Kant-Oberschule in Berlin, 2023-2024
Art teacher at the Schiller-Gymnasium in Berlin, 2023
Art teacher at the Mahlsdorf Schule in Berlin, 2021-2022,
Art teacher at the Kath. Schule Sankt Franziskus in Berlin, 2019-2020
Art teacher at the Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium in Berlin, 2018-2019
Art teacher at the Johann-Georg-Elser-Schule in Berlin, 2010-2018